Il est en ligne. Le guide ultime sur l’un des aliments les plus sous-cotés de l’alimentation, qui est pourtant un « superaliment » : la noix de coco. C’est l’un des contenus les plus denses du site, dans lequel on va en apprendre énormément. Bonne lecture 👉

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Latest Shorts

The shorts are micro tips from the Blooness guide.

Ensuring a sufficient intake of highly bioavailable proteins, fiber, fatty acids, sports activity + good sleep are a winning strategy for weight loss.

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Generally speaking, there are two distinct profiles when it comes to weight loss: the frugal and the hedonistic. The fat loss strategy is quite different according to these 2 profiles.

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The ultimate guide to the best meats in the keto-mediterranean diet for health, fitness and longevity: that's the subject of the new chapter coming soon to Blooness. See you in a few days!

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In the craving series, try a small bowl of salted olives or an avocado instead, and drink a big glass of water, and the hunger will pass as quickly as it arrived.

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Systematic cravings for snacks after a meal on the #keto diet? Try increasing your fat intake slightly, you might be surprised at the results.

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