🌰 Les graines, alliées de ta santé.
Graines de sésame, de lin, de chia ou de chanvre apportent des acides gras essentiels et des fibres. Intègre-les à ton alimentation pour un boost nutritionnel.
👉 Découvre les meilleures graines pour ta santé sur blooness.com.

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🌰 Seeds, your health allies. Sesame, flax, chia or hemp seeds provide essential fatty acids and fiber. Incorporate them into your diet for a nutritional boost. 👉 Discover the best seeds for your health on blooness.com.

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🥦 Potassium, essential for alkanizing the body. Find it in ✔️ Legumes ✔️ Almonds ✔️ Spinach, broccoli, parsley ✔️ Avocados ✔️ Oily fish ✔️ Artichokes, mushrooms The ultimate guide to #Potassium in #keto to be found at https://blooness.com/potassium-cetogene-low-carb/

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🥩 Offal, forgotten nutritional treasures. Rich in vitamins and minerals, offal such as liver are excellent sources of protein and essential nutrients. 👉 Find the complete guide to the ideal diet on blooness.com.

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🕒 A quick, healthy meal? A perfect #keto bowl: a base of green vegetables, a protein (chicken, fish), a healthy fat (avocado, olive oil), oil seeds (chia, pumpkin). Ready in 10 minutes. 👉 The complete guide to the perfect diet at blooness.com

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💪 Keto ≠ 0 carbohydrates. Vegetables, berries and nuts are smart carbs, compatible with a keto-mediterranean diet. #KetoDiet 👉 Find the complete guide to the ideal diet at blooness.com

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