Are you protein deficient? Discover the signs, risks and reasons for protein deficiency - [MEMBER ZONE]

Welcome to new content from Blooness guidepart of the the major theme dedicated to Mediterranean food. In this chapter, we are going to look at a problem that unfortunately concerns a large number of people who have a "standard" diet, but also people who practice more or less healthy diets, namely the lack of protein. And this problem affects all types of individuals, from athletes to sedentary people.

Indeed, in the previous chapter on the various possible cases of protein excessand we concluded that it was relatively difficult to achieve such high intakes of proteins that they become toxic (more than 3 to 4 grams per kg body weight), unless you have a totally disordered and irrational diet based on the exclusive consumption of lean meat or excess protein powder.

Conversely, most people have a rather moderate protein intake, even for sedentary people who do not take part in any particular sport.. But we now know, thanks to the many lessons learned from this event guide that proteins are essential (in the scientific sense of the term, i.e. they are indispensable to human life).

That's right, they are the "building blocks" of the organismand can therefore be used to make bones, hair, nails and skin, as well as organs, hormones, enzymes and antibodies... in short, all tissues and everything that makes the body function. What's more, in addition to the vital and organic functions they play a part in, proteins also provide - in a more superficial sense, in every sense of the word - the following benefits better skin quality, less brittle hair, a more beautiful complexion and improved vitality in terms of the reflected image.

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While this may indeed seem somewhat superfluous, it's important to remember that the quality of tissues (skin, hair, eyes, lips) is also a reflection of restored health. However, most people who wish to improve the quality of their skin, and who are working on their physique in general, almost forget to do so. protein intake, a key factor in improving their appearance and physical conditionin other words their aesthetics and the energy they transmitIn addition to improving organic functions, joint quality and muscle maintenance.

As a reminder, the word protein derives from the Greek word "πρωτεῖον" (proteion) meaning "what comes first or "first in line". It's not for nothing that this guide considers that protein feed (which is very often accompanied by a proportion of fat, either by its very nature or through the addition of cooking fat, for example) constitutes the main food on the platebefore anything else.

In addition to their importance for health, proteins have the following advantages provide a feeling of satiety which will be beneficial in weight loss, since satiety induces reduced snacking cravings of non-essential foods on a daily basis.

Therefore, when it comes to protein intake, it's sometimes better to aim for slightly higher ranges than low ranges. In practice, as we have seen in previous chapters, this can mean refilling your protein intake if you still haven't reached satiety (which, we remind you, is generally accompanied by lipids by nature when it's a food of animal origin), rather than as a complementary food such as starch, dessert or bread, which most people don't do, preferring instead to take a portion of starch.

Thus, the problem most often encountered is not so much excess protein intake, but rather, in most cases slight insufficiencyand in the worst case protein deficiency.

A impairment packed with protein can be harmful to the bodybut beyond extreme cases, it's also and above all the latent insufficiency that we're going to deal with here, because this slight deficiency can lead to a number of insidious problems less obvious and less visible than those induced by a very marked impairment.

In other words, as opposed to an obvious deficiency that will lead to visible symptoms, proteins are essential for health, the slight shortage will not necessarily send us visible signalsand yet, under-consumption of protein can be enough to prevent us from achieving certain objectivesor worse, to push us to consume more secondary foodsThis is sometimes to the detriment of what this guide is aiming for, namely longevity in good physical and cerebral health, not to mention physical appearance, which is clearly improved with a diet rich in protein and good nutrition. fats.

We're not saying that it's counter-productive to overindulge in starchy foods, but simply that a heavy hand on starchy foods can prevent some people from achieving their goals. However, some people who find it difficult to gain weight, and who don't particularly want to be on a starchy diet, may find it difficult to achieve their goals. ketosis They don't have to worry about starchy foods if they like them. Of course, it's not a question of depriving yourself, even less so if it's not necessary.

To come back to proteins, whatever the case, they remain essential for maintaining good health, as well as for maintaining and growing musclesessential for good health.

In this chapter for Blooness members only, we will learn how to what are the signs and risks of insufficient protein consumption, as well as practical cases that could lead to poor protein absorption and therefore under-consumption despite ourselves.

So we're going to find out the traps we could fall into without knowing it in terms of protein intake, and we'll see that we sometimes go wrong. much more often than you think about protein intakeand that the wrong adjustments very often lead to downgraded targets, less optimal health, and aesthetic annoyances that we'll try to solve by other, often futile, means.

In this way, we can not only adjust our intakebut we'll also know what health levers we could act on to improve protein absorption, and thus improve our general health.

There are two very important things to know:

  • the same quantity of protein will not be absorbed to the same degree by different individuals;
  • and different protein sources will also the same rates of assimilation and transformation in organic fabrics.

On the basis of this observation, it will be advisable to adapt - depending on the results - to the following factors and its protein intake, and its protein sourcesthinking to readjust several weeks or months later, depending on new results and objectives already achieved. This part will be dealt with at the end of this chapter, where we will explain why and how we sometimes need to readjust depending on the results obtained, or on how you feel about vitality, digestion or weight changes.

It's a good time to remember that the goal of an optimal diet is to achieve a healthy weight, improved health and longevity, is an ultimately infinite goal which in itself is both the way and the end.

It is therefore in a complete and holistic way that a person can try to move towards the goal they have set themselves, and not by applying a determined program, finished and set in stone, since each beneficial action improves the whole, and once the whole has improved, we can redefine new means for new objectives. Especially as knowledge about health and nutrition evolves over time.

All this may seem abstract at first, but if we return to the subject at hand, namely protein intake, what we need to understand is.., is that there is no finite, determined protein intake that will magically solve all health problems.but rather that adjust your intake according to your current objective (weight or health, for example), and that once a plateau has been reached, you may need to adjust your intake again.

In fact, we have just seen that from one person to another, depending on the existence or not of certain health problems, or on the protein sources chosen, the absorption of consumed proteins and their transformation into tissues will not be the same. So, inevitably, once the health markers have been improved, protein absorption could be improved, enabling protein consumption to be adapted once again.

And the magical thing is that if you're under-consuming protein, increasing intake can help resolve certain problems that were preventing optimal protein absorption. So there's a sort of virtuous circle here, and we need to work holistically.

In concrete terms, if you want to try increasing your protein intake, you'll need to do it graduallyand certainly not all at once, as we've seen. in the previous chapterAs a result, you may find that your protein intake is better absorbed, and you may be naturally encouraged to reduce your protein intake, even if this means increasing it as you get older, or if sport requires it. In other words, nothing is immutable, and nothing is set in stone.

Now that we've introduced the subject, here's precisely what we're going to learn in this chapter:

  • What could under-consumption of protein mean?
  • What are the signs of protein under-consumption in relation to our needs?
  • What are the risks of eating too little protein?
  • Which proteins are the easiest to convert into tissue?
  • Which proteins are the most easily assimilated?
  • 8 concrete cases that could lead to insufficient protein intake.
  • How can you intelligently boost your protein intake?
  • What about the others? macronutrients in the event of increased protein intake?

Are you ready? We're off!

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