Pour qu’un repas sain soit gustativement plaisant, pas besoin de ketchup, sauce bbq, sel en excès. Juste des spices, herbs and condiments hérités de la Mediterranean diet. Contre toute attente, c’est l’un des posts les plus lus du guide Blooness 👉 https://buff.ly/3SoTHIc

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Latest Shorts

The shorts are micro tips from the Blooness guide.

Ensuring a sufficient intake of highly bioavailable proteins, fiber, fatty acids, sports activity + good sleep are a winning strategy for weight loss.

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Generally speaking, there are two distinct profiles when it comes to weight loss: the frugal and the hedonistic. The fat loss strategy is quite different according to these 2 profiles.

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The ultimate guide to the best meats in the keto-mediterranean diet for health, fitness and longevity: that's the subject of the new chapter coming soon to Blooness. See you in a few days!

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In the craving series, try a small bowl of salted olives or an avocado instead, and drink a big glass of water, and the hunger will pass as quickly as it arrived.

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Systematic cravings for snacks after a meal on the #keto diet? Try increasing your fat intake slightly, you might be surprised at the results.

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