Ideal dosage of multivitamins and minerals: which is the best multi-vitamin on the market?

Here is an overall summary of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) as recommended by the public authorities from every vitamin and trace elements.

This article is a summary of the entire first part of the Guide Blooness, le guide de l’alimentation idéale. Dans cette première partie, nous avons appris ce qu’était des macronutrientsand learned about the benefits of all micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that are active in our bodies.

Aussi, afin d’y voir plus clair, et par souci de synthèse, nous avons rédigé cette list of recommended dosages for each micronutrient, vitamin and salt minerals, ainsi que leur action connue dans l’organismeso you can choose your own multivitaminin the event that you decide to supplement your diet.

Of course, the recommendations are general, and it's up to each and every one of us to take stock of our health, and to se rapprocher d’un médecin afin d’être le plus précis possible en termes de supplementation !

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* indicates "mandatory".

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Il ne s’agit ici aucunement de recommander quoique ce soit, mais simplement de list official recommendationsand compare these recommended daily allowances with multi-vitamins recognized as some of the best multi-vitamins on the market.

Si vous connaissez d’autres marques, d’autres produits qui sont intéressants en termes de dosage, n’hésitez pas à les suggérer en commentaire afin que nous les ajoutions au comparatif !

Here is the list of recommended dosages in vitamins and mineralswith a comparison of the best multi-vitamins on the market!

This list of the best multivitamins and their recommended daily allowances has been compiled and is up to date in 2021.

Vitamin A

  • Skin, vision, antioxidant, cell differentiation.
  • Official recommendation: between 700 and 900 µg / day
  • Risk of deficiency: low.
  • Nutrimuscle: 1200 µg (150%)
  • Chrono Vita+: 780 µg (97.50%)
  • Nutri and co: 800 μg (100%)

Vitamin D3

  • Immunity, bones, muscles, general health.
  • Official recommendation: 600 IU / day (15 µg / day)
  • Emerging recommendation: at least 5,000 IU / day (125 µg / day)
  • Risk of deficiency: high.
  • Nutrimuscle: 2,000 IU (50 µg). Also available as Vitamin D alone (2,000 IU).
  • Chrono Vita+: 200 IU (5 µg)
  • Nutri and co: 1,000 IU (25 µg)

Vitamin E

  • Antioxidant, immunity, blood clotting, cardiovascular health, menstrual pain
  • Official recommendation: about 12 mg / day
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 36 mg (300%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 12 mg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 12 mg (100%).
  • Elite: 22.4mg (187%).

Vitamin K1 and K2

  • Cell growth, cardiovascular health, bones.
  • Official recommendation: 75 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 50 µg (67%) of K1.
  • Chrono Vita+: X.
  • Nutri and co: 80 μg (107%) of K2.
  • Elite: 100 μg (133%) in the form of K2 MK-7 (patented K2VITAL® microencapsulated).

Vitamin C

  • Antioxidant, immunity.
  • Official recommendation: 75 to 90 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 200 mg (250%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 80 mg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 80 mg (100%).
  • Elite: 250 mg (312,50%)

Vitamin B1

  • Nervous system, muscles.
  • Official recommendation: 1.2 to 1.5 mg / day.
  • Recommandation émergente : jusqu’à 2,4 mg / jour.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 2 mg (182%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 1.40 mg (127.29%).
  • Nutri and co: 2.2 mg (200%).
  • Elite: 1.8mg (164%)

Vitamin B2

  • Nervous system, muscles, energy, cellular health.
  • Official recommendation: 1.4 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 2 mg (143%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 1.4 mg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 2.8 mg (200%).
  • Elite: 1.8mg (129%)

Vitamin B3

  • Energy metabolism, mucous membranes, sex hormones and psychological functions.
  • Official recommendation: 16 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 20 mg (125%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 16 mg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 16 mg (100%).
  • Elite: 18 mg (113%)

Vitamin B5

  • Tissues, steroid hormones, metabolism, physical and psychological functions.
  • Official recommendation: 6 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 10 mg (167%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 6.70mg (111.67%).
  • Nutri and co: 6 mg (100%).
  • Elite: 7 mg (117%)

Vitamin B6

  • Physical and psychological functions, nervous system, red blood cell renewal, energy metabolism, immunity, metabolism of proteins and glycogen.
  • Official recommendation: 1.5 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 2.4 mg (171%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 1.70 mg (121.43%).
  • Nutri and co: 2 mg (143%).
  • Elite: 2 mg (143%)

Vitamin B8

  • Métabolisme des macronutrients, tissus, système nerveux
  • Official recommendation: 50 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 150 µg (100%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 50 µg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 51 µg (100%).
  • Elite: 150 µg (300%)

Vitamin B9

  • Cell growth, red blood cells, immunity, nervous system.
  • Official recommendation: 200 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle: 200 µg (100%) in the form of L-methylfolate, a recommended form.
  • Chrono Vita+: 200 µg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 200 µg (100%) in the form of Quatrefolic®, a recommended form.
  • Elite: 300 µg (150%) in the form of natural methylfolates (recommended form).

Vitamin B12

  • Immunity, nervous system, energy metabolism, recovery.
  • Official recommendation: 2.7 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal, high in vegetarians.
  • Nutrimuscle: 3 µg (120%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 2.5 µg (100%).
  • Nutri and co: 2.7 µg (100%)
  • Elite: 2.8 µg (112%)


  • Cell division, nervous system, energy metabolism, physical and mental recovery, protein synthesis, bones...
  • Official recommendation: 375 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: high, especially in athletes and hyperactive people.
  • Nutrimuscle : X. Also available magnesium58.5 MG / capsule. Magnesium citrate (Recommended form).
  • Chrono Vita+: 120 mg (32%). Magnesium oxide.
  • Nutri and co : 150 mg (40%). UltraMag® (Recommended form).


  • Division cellulaire, stress oxydatif, synthèse de l’ADN, métabolisme des macronutriments, vision, fertilité, os, tissus.
  • Official recommendation: 10 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal, high in vegetarians.
  • Nutrimuscle : X. Available as a separate zinc supplement, dosed at 11 mg (110%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 10.16 mg (101.60%).
  • Nutri and co: 10 mg (100%).
  • Elite: 15 mg (150%)


  • Oxidative stress, immunity, spermatogenesis, thyroid, tissues.
  • Official recommendation: around 55 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: normal.
  • Nutrimuscle : X. Available as a separate supplement at 55 µg (100%).
  • Chrono Vita+: 10.16 mg (101.60%).
  • Nutri and co: 30 µg (54%).
  • Elite: 50 µg (91%)


  • Thyroid hormones, reproduction, blood cells, muscles and nervous system.
  • Official recommendation: 150 µg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: Low.
  • Nutrimuscle: X.
  • Chrono Vita+: X.
  • Nutri and co: 10 µg (6.7%).
  • Elite: 150 µg (100%).


  • Bones, teeth, energy metabolism.
  • Official recommendation: 750 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: low.
  • Nutrimuscle: X.
  • Chrono Vita+: 53.91 mg (7.70%).
  • Nutri and co : X.


  • Bones, teeth, muscles, coagulation, cell division.
  • Official recommendation: 1,000 mg / day.
  • Risk of deficiency: low.
  • Nutrimuscle: X.
  • Chrono Vita+: 71.40 mg (8.93%).
  • Nutri and co : X.

Iron, copper and manganese

Jugés pro-oxydants par certains professionnels, ces minéraux n’ont pas été dosé volontairement chez Nutri and Co ou encore chez Elite. En revanche, le iron was measured at 73.71% of the nutritional reference value in Chrono Vita+ and copper at 100.02% of the NRV.

Cofactors and miscellaneous

Certains multi-vitamines jugent bon d’intégrer à leur composition des cofactors. Cofactors are chemical compounds that are not proteinaceous but which are nécessaires à l’activité biologique des protéines.

Cofactors can be either mineral in nature (iron, sulphur, etc.) or organic, in which case they are called coenzymes (e.g. the famous coenzyme Q10).

Voici certains cofacteurs dont les mérites sont vantés par certains fabricants de multi-vitamines, et qu’on pourra retrouver dans ceux qui sont listés ci-dessous.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine 180 mg

  • Advantages: antioxidant
  • Nutri and Co: 180 mg
  • Elite: 300 mg

CoEnzyme Q10

  • Advantages: antioxidant
  • Nutri and Co: 30 mg
  • Elite: 50 mg


  • Advantages: antioxidant
  • Nutri and Co: 20 mg
  • Elite: 400 mg


  • Interests: antioxidant and eye health
  • Nutri and Co: 7 mg
  • Elite: 10 mg


  • Advantages: antioxidant
  • Nutri and Co: 1 mg
  • Elite: 15 mg


Nutri and Co:

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (R form) 50 mg. Antioxidant and energy metabolism.
  • Rutin (S. japonica extract) 32 mg. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, vasoprotective and antithrombotic properties.
  • Hesperidin (citrus extract) 32 mg. Antioxidant and vasculoprotective properties.

Elite :

  • Choline (patented form Cognizin®) 250 mg. Cognitive functions.
  • L-carnitine (L-carnitine tartrate) 1000 mg. Energy.
  • Chondroitin sulfate (patented plant form Mythocondro®) 900 mg. Joints.
  • Zeaxanthin 5 mg. Antioxidant.
  • Glycine 9000 mg. Joints, antioxidant, etc...
  • Organic bilberry extract 400 mg
  • Organic ginger extract 500 mg
  • Dried extract of organic green tea leaves 1167 mg
  • Organic Ginkgo Biloba extract 200 mg
  • Fibres d’acacia issues de l’agriculture biologique 6600 mg
  • Fructo-oligosaccharides 300 mg.


Each multivitamin has its own dosageYour choice will inevitably depend on your health check-up, your doctor's advice, your objectives, and certainly also your beliefs and your budget.

Quoiqu’il en soit, quel que soit votre choix, ces produits sont reconnus comme étant de high quality.

Si vous connaissez d’autres marques, d’autres produits qui sont intéressants en termes de dosage, n’hésitez pas à les suggérer en commentaire afin que nous les ajoutions au comparatif !

Take care <3

Source photo d’illustration.

Previous chapter: All you need to know about selenium.
Next chapter: Conclusion of Volume 1 on the basics of nutrition.
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One Response

  1. Hello,

    Excellent article once again.

    What do you think of these formulations? (ORGANIC!): no choline / NAC, cofactors in general no choline, Q10 Very well formulated, but no choline

    What about the presence of caffeine in some of these products (Elite, for example)?

    Thank you!

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