The ultimate guide to organ meats for full health on a keto and Mediterranean diet. [MEMBER ZONE]

Hello and welcome to a new chapter of Guide Blooness, the guide to the ideal human diet.

This content is part of the large section devoted to the Mediterranean dietand more specifically a sub-section devoted entirely to the best sources of animal protein for health, longevity and figure.

Among these best sources of proteins we are going to focus here on a very specific genre of animal parts that make up the very essence of ancestral and traditional foodsnamely offal.

Offal is one of the healthiest and most nutritious sources of animal protein available.and these animal parts are, to their detriment, virtually non-existent in today's modern diet.

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From prehistoric times right up to the 20th century, animal offal has been an essential part of our diet. one of the solid foundations of human nutritionbe it during the Paleolithic when the human being consumed the animal from head to tail for obvious reasons of survival, to the modern era where offal was used in the traditional cuisines of many cultures as much for their taste as for their densely-packed character. nutritious.

They then fell into disuse, when the consumers preferred the more muscular parts of the meat, more familiar and accessible.

And yet.., offal is an unsuspected "game changer" in the recovery of good healthand in the quest for longevity and an attractive figure. Many people who are very well informed about nutrition consume it on their own, without necessarily promoting it, and they derive absolutely gigantic benefits from it, and this in total anonymity.

The public authorities haven't yet grasped the nettle, and for the moment are busy trying to slowly but surely reinform public opinion about the need to be less sedentary, and to consume a little less simple sugars.

So it's going to be a long road before the subject of the nutritional value of offal is back on the agenda. In the meantime, to ignore them and consume only the usual muscle meats is one of the most common errors in the modern diet, but also in the low-fat or reasoned diet. carbohydratesand this has disastrous consequences for our health.. Especially since they are one of the cornerstones of the diet. lowcarbketo-carnivore, but also Mediterranean as well as the so-called " Blue Zones ".

So here's what we're going to learn in this content of the Blooness guide :

  • What is offal?
  • Why have they disappeared from the modern diet?
  • How do you eat them?
  • Why are they good for you, and why do we think we should eat them?
  • Hypothesis on micro-nutritional deficiencies
  • Summary of the benefits of each type of abat
  • The ultimate list of the eight best offal for your health
  • How much offal can you eat, and how often?
  • Are there any risks involved?
  • Is it possible to combine offal and supplements? vitamins and minerals ?
  • In what types of diet can organ meats be consumed and how (diet ketogeniclow-carb, Mediterranean or high-carb)?

These are just some of the questions we'll be answering in this new content of the Blooness guide, entirely reserved for Blooness members.

Are you ready? We're off!

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