Mediterranean diet: the best dried oleaginous fruits for health, waistline and longevity - [MEMBER ZONE]

Welcome to this sub-section of the Mediterranean diet, a summary of which can be found here. L'Mediterranean diet has been identified by science as one of the world's healthiest eating habits. That's why we've decided to take a closer look at this type of eating, and to integrate it into our best practices. Blooness guidethe guide to the ideal diet for human beings, and graft it onto a low-to-moderate carbohydrate dietwhich is also one of the pillars of this guide to improve your health markers, longevity and waistline.

Among the virtuous foods of the Mediterranean dietwe find precisely the oilseedswhich, as we mentioned in the previous introductory chapter on this food category, can be broken down into three sub-categories:

  • dried oleaginous fruits, also known by extension as nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, etc.). These are the ones we are going to deal with here ;
  • oilseeds (rapeseed, sunflower, peanut, soybean, sesame, linseed, hemp, poppy, pine nut, chia, pumpkin). We will deal with these in a second section;
  • and finally fresh oleaginous fruit (avocado, olive, coconut).

As we said in the previous introductory chapter, oilseeds have many health benefitsparticularly when they are consumed in small quantities as part of an overall healthy diet, i.e. tempered in carbohydratesbalanced in good fats and in proteins - organic and low in processed products. All in all Mediterranean and low-carb.

However, the nutritional properties of oilseeds are not necessarily the same, and this is what we're going to see in the information that follows, which is of vital importance in order to better consider the consumption of this type of food.

What you can learn about nuts

This chapter is designed to help you identify hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts, for example, which dried oleaginous fruits to choose for health and figure, depending on their antioxidant content, omega-3/omega-6 balance, and saturated fatty acid content.

This chapter does not cover than oleaginous dried fruitWe'll look at oilseeds and fresh oleaginous fruits in the following chapters.

Depending on certain diets, we'll see that it's better to use favoring some over otherswhile learning to quantify their consumptionto make the most of it for your health.

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In order to fully understand this chapter, you will need to go back to the one devoted to optimal protein, carbohydrate and especially fat intakewhich explains how to set up a food bowl that respects fat distribution. Once you've understood this chapter, you'll know how to respect the recommended intake of omega-3, 6, 9 and saturated fats with dried oleaginous fruit.

So here it is the ultimate list of dried oleaginous fruitstheir specific characteristics, their virtues and, last but not least which ones should be favored, and in what context.

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