Vitamin D: automatic conversion from micrograms (μg) to international units (IU)

This will not have escaped you, vitamin D - regarded as a kind of hormone - has become a major health issuesince we realized that most populations living in areas with little exposure to the sun are deficient.

Find the vitamin D converter at the bottom of this article.

In fact, this vitamin, which is absolutely essential for maintaining good general health, is mainly synthesized by the body after exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. Just 15 minutes of exposure 3 times a week (face, forearms and hands) is enough to provide the body with 80% of the vitamin D it needs.

The problem is that in winter, many people are unable to obtain sufficient levels of vitamin Dwhich can lead to health problems such as immune deficiency, increased risk of viral infections, muscle and bone weakness, and potentially greater risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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For this reason, supplementation may be advisable, especially in winter, from October to March in Europe, for example.

Public authorities, through ANSES, recommend around 15 micrograms per day for adults.compared to the current average of 3.1 micrograms in the adult French population, which is clearly deficient.

For information, 15 μg corresponds to 600 IU (International Units) per day. Vitamin specialists even recommend supplementing with 3 to 5,000 IU per day for a person weighing 70kg..

The best is to do it in small, regular dosesrather than in ampoule form, on the advice of your doctor.

The problem, some products are indicated in micrograms (μg) as ANSES does, while other products indicate quantities in International Units (IU)As is the case with certain Solgar products, for example.

So it's hard to find your way around, especially when you want to add vitamin D to a multivitamin If the two products use different units of measurement, you'll get completely lost, and risk either remaining deficient or overdosing!

So to make things clearer, here's the Blooness Vitamin D converter which allows you to convert μg of vitamin D into IU and vice versa:

About dosage, turn to your doctor to prescribe the right rate for you.It's best to take a blood test beforehand. Do not supplement on your own, as this can lead to dangerous doses (over 10,000 IU / day).

Read our full article on the importance of vitamin D for good health.

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