Introduction to nutrition, diet and dietetics

Nutrition courses for beginners

Hello and welcome to this white paper on nutrition. It's a full course twenty or so chapters in which you'll learn how to juggle the various basic concepts of the nutritionbetween macronutrientenzyme, carbohydratessugar, vitamin or even minerals

Indeed, when you start to take an interest in feedingWhether it's to make a living out of it, or because we want to understand how it works so that we can feed ourselves better, we can quickly find ourselves at a loss.

Thanks to this courseyou will learn to master the basics of nutrition and dietetics. You'll understand the importance of molecules and minerals, vitaminsYou'll know exactly what nutrients are, and how to define them. This way, you'll know exactly what we're talking about when we mention a nutrient. proteina carbohydratea macronutrient, or a salt mineral.

And it's this tedious but necessary introduction that will enable you to tackle the next major volumes of the Blooness guideincluding low-carb foodor Mediterranean dietand how to apply them in practice.

Indeed, this introduction to the basics of nutrition is part of a larger guide that synthesizes and popularizes as much of the data available on the Internet as possible, in an attempt to develop a kind of healthy, "ideal" diet for the body, which you can find here. This course is therefore Volume 1 of this comprehensive guide, which will be updated over time.

It's a course designed to introduce everyone to the basics of nutrition, and which, like the rest of the guide, is available in both text and podcast formats.

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Introduction (you are here)

Part 1: Macronutrients

Get to know the fundamentals of nutrition, such as macronutrients.

Part 2: Micronutrients

In addition to macronutrients (proteinscarbohydrateslipids), don't forget to understand the benefits of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), to make the most of them for your diet.

Section 1: Vitamins

Section 2: Minerals

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