Une diète cétogène bien formulée et suivie par un professionnel pourrait améliorer la clarté mentale et l’endurance sportive. Mais il faut pour cela qu’elle soit bien menée. Pour tout savoir sur cette diète très particulière 👉 https://buff.ly/40n8wx0

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Latest Shorts

The shorts are micro tips from the Blooness guide.

Ultimate top proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / aged cheese / legumes

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Adding collagen to a protein meal, or eating cartilage with meat, is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass for longevity.

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The secret to longevity: find meat from animals that are not fed mainly on soybean, sunflower, corn and other cereals.

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The ultimate top of the best proteins for health: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / mature cheeses / legumes.

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Checklist: top snacks for sweet cravings Greek or soy yoghurt with blueberry topping / 2 pieces of dark chocolate 90% / handful of oilseeds / small bowl of strawberries / sugar-free protein bar / piece of cheese

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