Improve your sleep -> expose yourself to light in the morning, limit sunglasses, wet your shirt when playing sports, drink decaf, eat no more than 3 hours before going to bed, take a digestive walk and take melatonin.

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Latest Shorts

The shorts are micro tips from the Blooness guide.

Ultimate top proteins: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / fish / shellfish / aged cheese / legumes

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Adding collagen to a protein meal, or eating cartilage with meat, is one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass for longevity.

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The secret to longevity: find meat from animals that are not fed mainly on soybean, sunflower, corn and other cereals.

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The ultimate top of the best proteins for health: egg / beef / veal / poultry / lamb / offal / mature cheeses / legumes.

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Checklist: top snacks for sweet cravings Greek or soy yoghurt with blueberry topping / 2 pieces of dark chocolate 90% / handful of oilseeds / small bowl of strawberries / sugar-free protein bar / piece of cheese

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