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New Short on Blooness - 1736334946

🕒 A quick, healthy meal? A perfect #keto bowl: a base of green vegetables, a protein (chicken, fish), a healthy fat (avocado, oil

New Short on Blooness - 1736206243

💪 Keto ≠ 0 carbohydrates. Vegetables, berries and nuts are smart carbs, compatible with a keto-mediterranean diet. #KetoDiet 👉 Find the

New Short on Blooness - 1736123529

🌍 The Mediterranean diet, a timeless model. Vegetables, olive oil, fish, properly raised meat, quality eggs, legumes and oilseeds. The secret to longevity

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🥚 Eggs from free-range hens are nutritional bombs. Rich in proteins and micronutrients, they are one of the most nutritious foods in the world.

New Short on Blooness - 1736122033

🐟 Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring) are packed with omega-3s, essential for your brain and heart, which you can eat around 2 times a day.