The more a plant is protected by chemical substances (i.e. non-organic), the less stressed it is, and the less stressed it is, the less polyphenols it produces, which are precisely its own defenses, and which, once consumed, are beneficial for human longevity.

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Latest Shorts

The shorts are micro tips from the Blooness guide.

Methylene blue is finally making a timid appearance on the media scene. We had already mentioned it in the metabolic treatment section on Blooness.

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Exposure to blue light from screens at night could have negative effects on reproductive function, by disrupting the circadian rhythm.

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One of the key posts in the Blooness guide is available in audio format: how to achieve full vitality, lose weight or gain muscle with protein in the Mediterranean and moderate carbohydrate diets.

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Sugars to avoid on labels: glucose syrup, raffinose, maltose, maltodextrin, sucrose, wheat dextrose, glucose syrup, processed starch, corn syrup...

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Ensuring a sufficient intake of highly bioavailable proteins, fiber, fatty acids, sports activity + good sleep are a winning strategy for weight loss.

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