Coronavirus: the list of low-carbohydrate foods for containment (LONG STORAGE!)

Hello everyone.

Today, I was eager to share with you my ultimate food list low-carb when shopping at the supermarketin view of the generalized containment put in place to deal with the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic that is sweeping the world.

Indeed, I went to the supermarket to stock up on foodstuffs, and found that most people rushed to the shelves reserved for products with a high glycemic index in order to stock up.

Now, as an enlightened gourmet, if you follow a little of the advice given in the Blooness guideAs you know, these foods are not the best for your body if you're confined for any length of time.

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In fact, in addition to their high carbohydratesthese foods are generally industrial, processed, not very nutritiousand are likely to make you hungrier than anything else by titillating your insulin, which will lead to overeating, especially in times of stress, and overtaxing your digestive system.

I'm not even talking about the damage it can do to your waistline, or the spikes in blood sugar levels, let alone what it can do to your immune system, whose situation should prompt you to boost it as much as possible, rather than train it on an inflammatory terrain.

For all these reasons, I think it's preferable to give preference to ingredients rich in good fats, moderate in proteinswith varying degrees of low-carbohydrate content - depending on whether or not you are ketosis - in order to arm your body against the health crisis. And just as well, since these are the ingredients that other consumers tend to neglect.

It's also a great survival exercise, why not combine it with the young intermittent.

Since I've been stocking up on food myself, I thought it would be a good idea to share everything I've bought with you, just in case the lockdown lasts a long time.

Of course, I gave priority to ingredients and foods low in carbohydrates and high in good fats, but I also made sure that the products I bought could be stored for a long time:

Say goodbye to rice, pasta, bread, sweets and other industrial products, and make way for healthy, nutritious ingredients, more or less Mediterranean, that are just as compatible with a healthy diet as they are with a healthy diet. ketogenicthan a relatively balanced, carbohydrate-moderate diet.

In this list of ingredients, remember to divide up the consumption of the products as such in order to have a good rhythm of digestion and not to cause too much overweight:

  • cheese in the morning, for those who eat it, with eggs and vegetables. vegetables ;
  • meat in the middle of the day, with vegetables cooked with a lot of fat;
  • canned or frozen fish in the evening, with a little fat and few vegetables.

So here's my ultimate list of foods to buy in the supermarket for containment, and which will keep relatively well! If you think it can help your loved ones make better choices!

I. Low-carb foods for freezing

Source : FilipFilipovic
  • Vegetables keto known: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, artichoke hearts, green beans, zucchini.
  • Well-known keto fruits: blackberries, raspberries, blueberries.
  • Quality keto animal proteins: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, small oily fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon), seafood.
  • Low-end proteins for cheat bunker days: bacon, sausages, merguez.
  • Pre-prepared keto pizzas with cauliflower base, then frozen.
  • Eggs for freezing: you can extend their shelf life by freezing them. To do this, beat them beforehand and place them in a bag.


II. Low-carb foods for the fridge, with long shelf life:

  • Butter, clarified butter (6 months).
  • Hard cheeses that can be kept for a long time, but should not be abused, ideally made from ewe's or goat's milk (3 months).
  • Tofu (2 months).
  • Eggs (1 month or more): to check that the egg is still good, immerse it in a large container of cold water. If it sinks to the bottom, it's fresh. If it rises slightly, it's still good and can be eaten cooked. If it floats to the surface, avoid eating it. Make sure that the shell has not been damaged, otherwise you could be infected by bacteria!
  • Mayonnaise, mustard.
  • Coconut soy (see CSD).
  • Lawyers far from ripe: 1 month.


III. Low-carb ingredients to keep dry

  • Plant milks: coconut, almond, soy...
  • Chia seeds, Pecans, Macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts...
  • Canned sardines and mackerel
  • Pork and chicken pâté.
  • Parma ham, additive-free charcuterie, to be eaten rarely.
  • Canned vegetables: mushrooms, olives, stuffed peppers, pickles, sauerkraut, tomatoes, spinach...
  • Pulses canned (lentils, beans, chickpeas): in small quantities and combined with other ingredients, they can be used to create meals that are faithful to the Mediterranean diettherefore moderate (not low) in carbohydrates.
  • Onions, garlic, spicesand all sorts of herbs, of course...
  • For cooking: first cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, duck fat, coconut milk, clarified butter...
  • Dark chocolate 100%.
  • Herbal teas.

So that's my ultimate list, I've probably forgotten a few things, feel free to bounce around in the comments if you have any other ideas!

If this list has helped you, please let me know, and if you think it can help others, please share it!

In the next post, I'll share my top dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals to take with you during confinement! And why not the best exercises to do at home to avoid mummifying while waiting for the end of the epidemic...

See you soon, and good luck with this difficult ordeal!

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